A boom, chicka boom, chicka boom!
(insert a cabbage patch dance here)
Raise the roof...or as AJ would say, "Push the roof!"
just a little excited around here...
you see...
I have been waiting for November 20th for a long time...
I realize that it is only November 19th, but let the festivities begin tonight...
with tortilla soup, Dr. Pepper, kettle corn, movie candy, friends, & Twilight!
Tonight I will be in line at 10:30
eagerly awaiting my November 20th 12:35am viewing of:

Whoop Whoop!
Whoop whoop! It was awesome. I'm in love with Jacob. But still think Bella needs to be with Edward. Wish I was going with you.
I'm so excited for you! 2 hours in line though! It better be worth it!!!
Can't wait to hear tomorrow!
Whoop! Whoop!
Was going to go with some friends at Flat Irons but this tired body just can't do it. Have so much fun!!!!
Oh, and to brag a little: saw it early, no lines, and a reserved seat! Oh yeah!
you night owls are crazy!!!
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