I am truly blessed...rather spoiled really.
I have so much to be thankful for.
And I'm not a crazy religious person, but how profound is it to think about..
What if what you are thankful for simply disappeared when you didn't show your gratitude?
There are too many good people and things in my life for me not to express my love, appreciation, and gratitude.
I am thankful for...
1. My wonderful family...dad, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, cousins...
2. My amazing husband. I love laughing and sharing my life with you.
3. My beautiful children. Miracles. Crazy, loud, little miracles.
4. My health.
5. My husband's health.
6. My children's health.
7. My fabulous friends. I am blessed with the most splendid people in my life.
8. That Andy has a great job that allows me to stay home with the kids. This is my dream job.
9. My children's teachers. Such gifts in Abby and AJ's lives.
10. My in-laws. Such loving support.
11. A nice, dependable car. With automatic doors...& a cooler...& a backup camera...
seriously you haven't lived till you drive a mini-van.
12. Marvelous neighbors.
13. Brody's gas drops and acid reflux meds...let's just say modern medicine in general.
14. My computer...my iphone...blogs...pretty much technology.
15. My sewing machine and fun fabric.
16. Dr. Pepper. Some people drink or do drugs...I just consume a lot of the pepper juice.
17. Soy Formula. I am a liberated woman!
18. My weekly Kate Dates. They truly keep me balanced.
19. Music. Pandora you. are. rad.
20. Pictures. I could look at pictures all day...and night.
21. Books. Especially of the haut paranormal romance variety.
22. Our house...if only it came with a house keeper.
23. Chocolate. Good food. I love good food
24. Good health insurance.
25. Craigslist. You rock. Abby's Christmas dress for $15. Are you kidding me?!
26. Pinterest. You keep me inspired.
27. Starbucks. My sanity some days.
28. Good movies. Love a good movie. If you haven't see Bridesmaids yet...go now...stream it...rent it...just get it and laugh your bum off. A fight club shower. Ha! Funny stuff.
29. Swaddlers, binkies, & baby swings.
30. Coupons. I know. Make fun of me. But they save you so much money that you can spend on romance novels...Dr. Pepper...fabric...
31. I know there are not 31 days in November. But my dry cleaning man is a miracle worker. I am thankful for him. He can get anything out. I could just hug him.
Sometimes I feel like I am really getting away with something here...
You are a blessed woman indeed, Chance! I found this quote about a month ago and I have to say it's revolutionized my prayer life! Today, I am thankful for you and your family and bambinos and you blogabilities. :)
Well said, Miss G. I echo all that!
Love you gratitude list. You're awesome girl!
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