Abby is not a big fan of eating in any form other than a bottle...
It is a lot of work getting any food in her mouth...
Does up her nose count?...that's where it tends to go when she locks her jaws closed and jerks her head down in an effort to dodge the spoon...

This is the look she gave me when I told her she better get used to it because this is how she would be eating the rest of her life...

She prefers chewing the highchair tray to green beans apparently...

She finally smiled when she heard she was finished with her green beans...

She may be more stubborn than her brother...
We're in for it...
Oh, I think I can see her teeth. So cute. I love that she has such a personality. And almost crawling?! OMG! My niece and nephew are geniuses I tell you. Her eyes are such a beautiful blue. I better enjoy it on your kids. Lord knows my kids will have brown eyes. That's okay though. Jonathan's eyes were one of the first things I fell in love with. Just as long as my kids get his eyes. Post video of Abby "crawling"! I miss the kids so much. Not a day goes by that I don't think about them. I even think about if AJ was here, I'd bring him to kids yoga. Hehe.
I can't get enough of these pictures. I really thing I need an "aunt" album". Even just a digital one?!
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