This morning as I turned to go upstairs to give Girlfriend her good morning bottle I glanced at AJ, noticing that he had his Handy Manny tools...but didn't think much of it...
As I am burping GF, I hear a sudden crash...
(sorry for the poor pic...I took it with my iPhone b/c it was in my hand)

15 minutes & some Handy Manny tools
is all it took my child to disassemble his new easel...
As I'm feeding GF, I glance out the backdoor, & this is what I see:
but don't worry, do I warn my child that this might not be a safe activity?...
I grab the camera & start clicking...
only to turn around and see this:
mental note:
next time I stop to grab the camera, don't leave the food on GF's tray...
You're having quite the day.
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