Last year our neighborhood Porch Crawl took us around the world in a wagon...
This year it took us through decades in one afternoon.Starting with us and another couple in the roaring 20's...
we drank Coke from glass bottles, sipped beer from the Speakeasy Bar, made paper dolls, played with Lincoln Logs and yo-yo's, and jumped rope.

Then we jived through the 30 to the 50's...
drinking Fuzzy Astronauts, munching on vintage candy, and adorning our sunglasses with glitter paint.
Followed by rockin' through the 70's with Harvy Wallbangers, eating amazingly delicious veggies even my veggie hater enjoyed (seriously I think they had crack in them, they were so good) and decorating pet rocks.
I love this picture of Girlfriend.
It totally captures her "Sure, I'm excited about and up for anything" spirit about life.
I just love. her. up!
AJ took the process of decorating his rock very serious...
analyzing every object and its placement...
Chicka was all about the fuzzy pom-poms...
Girlfriend was thrilled to get in some quality Cozy Coupe time.
Chick loves these things.
Girl will go down fighting for her turn.
They bring out an evil, evil possessive side in her.
I dread them at events...
knowing I will have to drag her away from one...
kicking and cussing me out in baby language.
& if you know Abby, you know she is serious about her food.
Girl came put away massive quantities of food.
All the kids were playing...their plates long abandoned & Girlfriend was still putting down meatballs and Doritos and slamming back the pink lemonade.
We partied through the 80's and AJ was introduced to his first Silly Bandz...
I think I witnessed instant addiction in the gleam of his eyes.
Notice even after she left the table,
she still clung to her Dorito with a death grip as she pondered the physics of a yo-yo.

We ended the day with ice cream and silly putty as a journey through time brought us to looking toward the future...
Unfortunately I do not have any pictures of the last event as the journey closer to bedtime was also reflected by early signs of Over Tired Child Syndrome with symptoms of
early onset irrational melt-down, fussiness, uncooperativeness and tears...
Porch Crawl 2010: A huge success with many great pics and neighborhood memories.
I love a good theme party, so you can only imagine multiple themes in one day is my paradise.
Already curious about next years theme...

drinking Fuzzy Astronauts, munching on vintage candy, and adorning our sunglasses with glitter paint.
Followed by rockin' through the 70's with Harvy Wallbangers, eating amazingly delicious veggies even my veggie hater enjoyed (seriously I think they had crack in them, they were so good) and decorating pet rocks.
It totally captures her "Sure, I'm excited about and up for anything" spirit about life.
I just love. her. up!
analyzing every object and its placement...
Chicka was all about the fuzzy pom-poms...
Chick loves these things.
Girl will go down fighting for her turn.
They bring out an evil, evil possessive side in her.
I dread them at events...
knowing I will have to drag her away from one...
kicking and cussing me out in baby language.
Girl came put away massive quantities of food.
I think I witnessed instant addiction in the gleam of his eyes.
she still clung to her Dorito with a death grip as she pondered the physics of a yo-yo.
We ended the day with ice cream and silly putty as a journey through time brought us to looking toward the future...
Unfortunately I do not have any pictures of the last event as the journey closer to bedtime was also reflected by early signs of Over Tired Child Syndrome with symptoms of
early onset irrational melt-down, fussiness, uncooperativeness and tears...
Porch Crawl 2010: A huge success with many great pics and neighborhood memories.
I love a good theme party, so you can only imagine multiple themes in one day is my paradise.
Already curious about next years theme...

Love your pics! I think AJ's rock bares a striking resemblance to his pumpkin Da-Da. So I guess it's time to get Abby a coupe?
I'm wondering about the theme too! Let me know if you think of any suggestions!! BTW: Abby was very patient waiting for Presley to play with the car. No pushing at all!!
Oh, Liam got to try one of those coupes at a birthday party a few weeks ago, and he loved it, too! Course, being the non-aggressive kid he is, he just waited patiently until none of the girls was playing with it, then snuck over there for some fun. I think we may need to buy him one for Christmas this year.
Your kids are seriously so cute.
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