Tuesday, August 10, 2010

True Confessions

I own and use a shower cap and dry shampoo at least once a week.

I have taught my children that the ice cream truck only plays music when it is all out of ice cream.

Sometimes I feed my children cheese sticks and dry cereal for breakfast because it is easy to grab and go.

I was all psyched to do What I Wore Wednesday, but after spending forever trying to take a decent self portrait...I decided blah.


Jessaca said...

You crack me up. Even I didn't know about your shower cap until a few years ago.

Brenda L. Greenwald said...

Ok, your ice cream truck trick is the funniest thing I've heard all day.

Thank you for a new perspective on an absolutely annoying noise...now I'm just going to think of mournful Hastings children, pining away at an empty truck that plays a sad tune as it drives into the sunset. FUNNY!

Toni Tralala said...

Ice cream truck. :)) It's a good thing that kids are gullible. :P

I think that photo turned out well. What kind of DSLR is it?

NanaRose said...

You are a riot Chancie!! Also with the camera up to your face you look like Jade. Hum....family

Kristin Hayne said...

I am SOOOOO using the ice cream truck fib!!