Every morning we all race outside to see what grew overnight...
each one trying to be the first one there to announce a new discovery...

& every morning
we are pleasantly greeted by a new sprout that just busted through the ground...

or surprised by the growth something already there...

Andy starts singing songs like Where The Green Grass Grows by Tim McGraw....

AJ grabs the hose to water his plants...
I grab the camera to document our pride...
(Andy just keeps singing about his corn popping up in rows...)
We savor each early morning summer memory as it unfolds...

But you should have been here to witness our first harvest!
It was like Christmas morning for a new gardening family!

A small bright red strawberry!

Only fueling our excitement for more new garden discoveries!

Feeling a true sense of pride and accomplishment Saturday morning...
We split our first strawberry four ways...
pondering what we might be greeted by tomorrow morning.
Yay! What great pics of AJ and the FIRST strawberry. Too cute for words.
Lookie here. I did comment here. :P
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