Here are some ideas for around the house we have fun with around here:
Number of the day or week:
Start the day with 4 pancakes
Search for the #4 in magazines or on signs as we drive places
Gather collections of 4 items (trains, cookies...etc)
Number Workout:
Take turns rolling a die. Count the dots & do an exercise that number of times as you count. If you are really adventurous and your kiddo is ready challenge them by using two dice.
Number Tic-Tac-Toe/Bean Bag Toss
Draw a large tic-tac-toe gird on the sidewalk with sidewalk chalk for make a grid with yarn in your living room. Write a number in each square or put down a number card.
Take turns tossing bean bags and identifying numbers. Play tic-tac-toe using different color bean bags.
Texture Writing
Fill a cookie sheet with sand...or uncooked rice...or shaving cream...or pudding..
.whatever fun substance you have on hand.
Call out numbers and have your kiddo write it with their fingers.
Candy Math
Use m & m's...or jelly beans...or skittles...
Pass out as many as you think your kiddo can handle. Count the candy aloud together. Sort by color. Count each color. Talk about how many more red ones there are than blue ones...etc.

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