Girlfriend's first birthday is right around the corner
(Can you believe it?! One?! 365 days old?!)...
I've been wanting to learn to free motion quilt for awhile...
So here we are.
Seems logical...doesn't it?
The applique and piecing were a piece of cake...
Free motion quilting wasn't as "free" as it sounds.
It took serious concentration and looking ahead.
I had to picture coral reef as I chanted "smooth meandering coral reef...I can do this" in my head in an effort to meander in a semi-fluid motion that might create smooth curves...
It is an abstract kind of hand/eye/mind coordination that can only be fully understood by attempting such a task.
AND let me tell you,
if someone even walked past the table all concentration was broke & my hands suddenly jerked in a fierce pointed movement, breaking all meandering laws, crossing over and forming none other than the forbidden sharp pointed corner...
sending me into a distressed frenzy, spouting language more fit for a sailor than a quilter.
I'm sure one day it will be smooth & free & fun.
After a bit more practice.
And a silent house...
without distractions like children and dogs...
& really don't get me started on the hand binding and jacked up corners...
I will conquer this quilting thing.
I am not giving up.
I had to throw this last picture in
NOT so that you could see the table runner on my table,
but to remind myself that there really are brief fleeting moments
(when my children are down for nap)
that every surface in my house isn't covered by toys & clutter.
Now that is a sense of "free".

"The applique and piecing were a piece of cake..." - piece of CUPCAKE, you mean! :) LOVE the colors - great job!
I love you and I love this post. Hang in there. You're doing wonderfully. Think of all the stuff you've learned! Couldn't be prouded Miss Mama Quilter. Maybe you should have a new mantra while free-motion quilting. Like Ommmmm. Heh.
Chance, it's amazing!! You really are too hard on yourself! I couldn't find anything wrong with that quilt if I tried. It is so cute! Good Job!
I love the cupcake print!! GREAT JOB!! Happy early birthday to Abby!! How can our babies be turning 1 already???
I think I'm in love.... I love cupcakes anyways...but THAT is pure cupcake bliss!! You are SOOO good!
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