Friday, August 24, 2012

Insta Friday

This week was kinda a blur.
Looking forward to the weekend. 

life rearranged

 We rocked it at the Bike Rodeo.

Let's not talk about the training wheels drama.

 Because it's worse than potty training drama.

And my eye is twitching just thinking about it.

We decorated license plates,
 mastered the obstacle course a few hundred times,
 washed bikes in the bike wash,
washed our balloon in the bike wash...

Ya know, did the kinds of things you do at a bike rodeo.
I tried some sock bun experimenting.

I'm still undecided on this one.

Hint: use damp hair.
Trying to do it with dry hair will only result in frustration levels 
similar to trying to teach a willful, terrified of falling 6 year old to ride a bike without training wheels. 

Damp hair friends.
Learn from me.
Yes, I am a Hunger Games fan.

Don't be a hater.
It is more than just kids killing kids.
We celebrated a BFF's birthday.
So pink & girly.
So fun.
We indulged in some doughnuts as a fam.
We are suckers for that Hot Now sign.
Their fountain Dr. Pepper was bad.  
I should have gone with the chocolate milk.
Next time.
I gave Girlfriend my childhood Cabbage Patch doll.
It was love at first sight.
It was awesome.
She changed her name to Anna.
I'm cool with that.
I also passed down my old doll clothes.
Some, I bought with my own money as a kid.
Some, my mom had made for me or my little sister...
like those knit electric purple stirrup pants.  
Some, my grandma Mimi had made.
Some, myself or my brothers and sisters wore as babies. 

I love when things can be passed down.
So nostalgic.
This momma needed all the help I could get this week.
And there must be a back up plan for when the coffee does not get made.
I made a crock pot roast this week.
I love roasts.
I am a meat and potatoes kind of girl.
 I love that the work is done early in the day.
I love that the house smells amazing as it cooks.
I love the veggies.
I love that I'm not scrabbling at 4:30 to figure out or prepare dinner.
Inspired by Crafts By Amanda we read a book about snakes and made toilet paper snakes.
It felt so well put together...a book and a craft about the same thing.

Girlfriend said she LOVES snakes when we were done.
I said let's not get crazy here, real snakes are still creepy.
I enjoyed a salted caramel shake with my BFF over some girl talk before
roaming around Barnes And Noble.
It was a fabulous evening.  
AJ wanted to decorate his teddy bear for school as a clown.
Personally, I think clowns are creepy, but it was his clown.
School projects are hard for me.
The control freak in me has a hard time letting go.
He colored the whole thing.
He picked the creepy clown theme.
I did the hot gluing.
It turned out more cute than creepy.  
I think.
I spend my days picking up after Mr. Curiosity.
Really I call him The Destroyer, 
but Mr. Curiosity sounds less vampiresque for an 11 month old.
Whatever you call him...Mr. Curiosity or The Destroyer...
it is sad when he is down and out with a major cold.
So I am spending today snuggle lovin' a boy that doesn't feel so hot.
And I would rather be picking up after all his messes.
Poor guy.

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