Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Fall Bucket List

I made our Fall Bucket List today!
Did I forget anything?! 
Help me think of more fun fall ideas!


  1. Can't wait to get started-Andy

  2. I'm copying your bucket list (except for the sewing stuff because you know I can't do that:)) How about a hay ride? Maybe we can go together. When is the Dirty Girl? I'll do it! I have the ingredients for the chicken roll-ups and snickerdoodle cookies on my grocery list too. Yummm! Let's hang.

  3. Your sons staying nicely educated isn't sufficient. Of them is to have a pool cover, this helps in preventing heat loss while the pool is not in use. There are different types of water filters available commercially that intend to serve the same purpose - making water safe for use. In fact, the opposite is quite true, with a commercial glass washer saving both time and money! Carbon air filters are made up of an abundance of molecular sized pores that behave as high absorbent sponges.
