Friday, August 31, 2012

Inta Friday In The Hood

Hello Friday before a three day weekend! 

It's been an exhausting week.
life rearranged

So that nasty cold of Brody's last Friday
 landed us in the doctor's office by that afternoon.

It wasn't just a cold.

It was Croup. 
I've never experienced Croup until this week.
And all I have to say about it is:

Croup is the devil. 
The Devil I tell you.
AJ earned a new Lego set last Friday
and surprised me with this little kit for us to put together.
I thought it was an awesome surprise. 
I mean Halloween Legos.
That rocks.
Abby and AJ went to Nana and Papa's last Saturday to spend the night.

Andy had a big date day planned...
all three kids were suppose to spend the night at Nana & Papa's...
there was going to be indoor sky diving, a couples massage, a manicure for me, dinner out...

But remember Brody caught The Devil...

so instead we spent the day with sad, sick Brody.
We had a casual lunch and did a some shopping.
I got a fabulous pair of boots for the fall...
which is way better than massage or a manicure if you ask me.
Lasts longer anyway.
And I got to snuggle love Brody a lot.
A lot...
as in all night.
Many nights.
The older kids were getting kinda needy.

One afternoon we tried to make some chocolate doughnuts as a special treat.
Total bust.
Stupid doughnuts.
But I kept smiling.
And snuggle loving a very sick little boy.
And loving the family dog...
even when he did stuff like this...
after I had not slept a full night all week...
because of The Devil sickness.
I finally put away the laundry I kept folding and just setting in neat piles.
Because the kids were running out of pajamas.
I started a new book over some cold root beer and apple chips, but kept falling asleep.
Wild by Cheryl Strayed.
I think it's going to be good.
I did some cutting and gluing for AJ's teacher.
I have to admit when AJ's teacher asked me to stay for a minute one day after school...
I thought...
Oh shit.  What has he done?
Or said?

But she just needed me to cut out some bears and glue them to construction paper.

Those moments that she was dismissing the other students 
before she talked to me 
were nerve racking.
I got to doll Abby up for school pictures.
I love polka dots.
I love the classic look of black and white.
I love korker bows.
I love sparkly shoes.
I love that little girl.
And I love my father-in-law that sends Andy home with
amazing homemade peach pies.

It was much needed after this week.


  1. So sorry your baby was sick! I hope he is better! Love your boots but sorry you had to miss out on your exciting date! And your little gal does look precious in those black and white polka dots!

  2. That stinks that Brody got the croup. It IS the Devil. Totally. I hated when my kids got it. And it stinks that you missed out on your SWEET DATE NIGHT your honey planned for you. I hope you got a rain check. I got to go indoor skydiving a couple years ago, and by chance, I just posted some photos of it this week, so I was just thinking about it. The boots will last longer than the manicure. Way to focus on the positives! // Have a great week!

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