Sunday, June 8, 2014


Hello friends!

Whew, summer is in full swing...

and I'M LOVING IT!!!

Vic and I treated ourselves to pedicures one night.

Summer should always involve fun toe nail polish!

We planted flowers!

And went for wheelbarrow rides...

We played a never ending Uno game for two hours before we gave up.

Games with Ab can sometimes be torturous.

True story.

Andy spoiled me with 5 different bundt cakes for my bday.

Lemon was my fave!

We indulged in a trip to Krispy Kreme with Vic.


We ventured up to Estes Park and stopped by the Stanley Hotel!

Stephen King was inspired to write The Shining after his stay there.

#creepy #socreepy

We found an awesome easy trail to an amazing waterfall.

It was a gorgeous hike.

Brody enjoyed his ride up the mountain.

Ab and AJ enjoyed crossing streams and all the snow.

There were so many elk all over the park.

It was fun to be so close to such beautiful wildlife.

A BFF gifted me with garden plants for my bday!

Love her!

Andy grilled chicken kabobs and made twice baked potatoes for my bday dinner.

Another friend surprised me with chocolate and Dr. Pepper!
Oh she knows me soooo well!


We colored mandala pics one afternoon.

Love neon twistable crayons...$3 and hours of fun.

This boy and his cars.

So stinkin' sweet I can hardly handle it!

This boy plays hard and crashes hard.

The kids were super excited to scooter over to a neighbor's lemonade stand one afternoon.


We surprised Andy with a blueberry pie for his bday...

And the birthday celebrations continued into the weekend...

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