Friday, June 13, 2014


Happy Friday friends!

Another lovely crazy week around here.

We celebrated birthdays last Saturday, and I made a coconut cake from scratch. My new fave cake to make because no matter how ugly my frosting job's covered up by coconut. Seriously, everyone gets coconut cakes for their birthdays now.

We invited nana and papa over to help with a small project.

#smallproject #mahaha

It turned out freakin' awesome.

Love this boy up. He's seriously happy all the time.

Ab and I played checkers the other day. I had to look up the rules.





Andy. Such a charmer that one.
Love when we get off the screens and actually do something...other than screens.

This boy with his own cart. As if he didn't already think he was in charge.

Meet me at the farmers market.

How perfectly whimsical and awesome is that?!


Look who I found hiding in the pantry shoveling in as many chocolate chips as he could before he got caught.


First rose of the season!

Seriously, happiness is having rose bushes.

Hello red eye flight to South Carolina for a four day kid free adventure!!!


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