Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Victory! At Least For One Day...

I would like to say that my kitchen looks like this all the time, but if you have ever A. worked full time B. lived with a toddler C. been pregnant or D. simultaneously done all three you would know I would be lying.  So I figure I'm not really exposing myself by sharing my feeling of victory.  My kitchen hasn't looked or felt like this in weeks!  It will last...until AJ gets up from his nap...so I have about one more hour to bask in the crisp, clean, clutterless room.  (We won't talk about the rest of the rooms in the house...I still have two and a half weeks off track to conquer those.)  I'm thinking carry out pizza, paper plates, and juice boxes on the deck tonight...we are not about to cook or use dishes at least for one night.  

1 comment:

  1. I would say that the pictures said a lot, but I would ned a before and after shot. Everytime I've been to your house, it always looks like this. Spotless. You put my cleaning skillz to shame. But hey, victory! Normalcy!
