Sunday, August 17, 2008

I Just Couldn't Wait...

Fall is my absolute favorite season...and with our recent cool weather it just felt like fall!  I couldn't I feathered my nest for fall!  I love pumpkins and orange and spice candles!  Inspired by Ashley  I even made a fun fall craft for my mantle!  Thanks Ashley!  I love this project!  After AJ tried to eat the faux apples in the hall, we ventured to Krispy Kreme for an afternoon treat!  I love that place!  We watched our doughnuts being made right in front of us and enjoyed their warm sweetness with chocolate milk.  It was like being right there on Unwrapped from the Food Network!  AJ danced his special doughnut dance, waved and said, "bye nuts" as we left the building.  I guess doughnuts is kind-a hard for a 2 year old to say.  He excitedly proclaimed, "happy, happy, happy" all the way home!  I agree, I was happy, happy, happy also!  And the best part is we brought home a whole box of doughnuts for later!  

1 comment:

  1. Very cool blocks. Unfortunately, I don't know that I would have a place to put them in my apartment. Someday, someday...
