Thursday, August 21, 2008

I Just Can't Resist Those 23 Flavors...

Everyday after I tuck AJ in for his nap, I run down stairs for a Dr. Pepper.  I feel like by nap time I have earned the right to indulge in a little adult beverage.  We avoid drinking soda around AJ as he always wants a sip of mommy or daddy's "juice".  Then his sip turns into an extremely long gulp, then he wanders away with our cup, then we chase him down...and it just never ends well.  So soda is a kid-free drink around our house...which means we are limited to nap time or after 8:00p.m.   

I avoided caffeine for the first 14 weeks of my pregnancy being the overly paranoid mother that I can be, but then I researched it.  A pregnant woman should not exceed 300 mg of caffeine a day and one 12 oz. Dr. Pepper only has 38 mg.  It's the little things in life...


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. We don't even have pop at our house on the account it always makes us feel gross after drinking it. I can just see AJ stealing your cup. He once stole a bowl of cereal from me; I'm still sore about that (not!). It was the cutest thing how he climbed up on my lap and proceeded to eat it all and then hug me. He's a charmer that one!

  3. I haven't a Dr. pepper in along time and it sounds refreshing!
