Wednesday, August 20, 2008

A Few Break-throughs

AJ now rubs my belly softly and says, "baby, baby" with a smile on his face instead of screaming "no!" at the top of his lungs and running off at the slight mention of having a baby... and then he rubs his belly...we are still working on understanding that only mommy has a baby in her belly.   
He also independently said, "tuse me" twice today after he burped.  He is now signing thank you accompanied with a, "t-you" after you give him something he has requested.  T-you still requires prompting most of the time, but we are making progress from the just grabbing and running off that he had fallen custom to.

Although his manners seem to slowly be picking up his new favorite words are: "what?!" "why?!" & "not!" in-no, I will, he is not...or not nap time...  How does he pick up on these things?  Today when I was just talking away to him, not even sure if he was listening, I asked him how he was doing and he replied, "I'm good...happy, happy."  Really?  He must understand a lot more than I give him credit for.   

And the biggest event of the day was peeing in the big boy potty!  That's right, he peed in the toilet...not once...not twice...not three times...but four times tonight!  He loves that thing!  We just thought we would set him on there before bath time to see what would happen and he was addicted!  He demanded, "Potty, I want to potty"  throughout his bath.  Well, we couldn't squash a toddler's desire to use the big boy potty.  In and and and out...and he went pee every time!  We are not sure what this it just a fluke...or am I going to be running with him to the potty all day tomorrow...

We ended the night with reading potty books and curling up in our "choo-choo" blanket.  He is really fascinated with the entire process.  We have been practicing pulling our pants up and down, flushing the toilet, and washing our hands for a couple months now just to spread out some of the new steps in case the day came when he was ready to potty train.  He can pee on demand(he will not get out of the bath until he as peed in the empty tub...yuck...this is why we thought we would try the big boy toilet), wakes up dry from a nap, comes to us with a diaper when he is poopey...we are starting to wonder if he is ready for the plunge.  We don't want to attempt training pre-maturely and stress us all out.  He seems like he might be ready, but I'm not scares the crap out of me!  

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I just joined my first swap! You should check it out! It's on my sidebar!!
