Monday, June 8, 2015


Summer is in full swing!
Shorts, flip flops, ice cream, the smell of sunblock!!! I love it!
We were super excited to go to the library summer reading series kickoff event! Brody (the boy who wants to be a tractor when he grows up) was on cloud 9 with the construction theme.
We made our annual selecting of flowers & plants for the garden trip to Home Depot & spent a day planting & running around with neighbors squirting each other with the hose & eating Otter Pops!
I put on some summer jams!
Mint & chevron.
Ab went for a variety of 4 different jams. Love it!
I had been itching for a duct tape project every since this nautical tape tape was gifted to me! Finally had a few moments to make a fun little corner bookmark! Red, white, & blue anchors! Totally smitten!
I ran across Girlfriend's first pair of ballet shoes in her keepsake bin a while ago, and my heart melted. These tiny little things needed to be out where they could melt my heart every day...not stuck in a bin in the top of a closet.
Now they are hanging in her room where I can steal a glance of them each time I go in to put her laundry away or tuck her into bed. Such a sweet momento of the girl that dances everywhere she goes.
I turned 35 last week. It was a lovely day that started out with a message from a friend that breakfast was on my porch! What?! A chocolate strawberry French pastry!!! Best way to start a day EVER!
Later I dropped the kids off with nana & papa, Andy and I went to a game store for my bday gift....
then we went out to dinner at The Melting Pot! It was an awesome way to celebrate 35 years! 35 years. Seems weird. I don't feel any more mature.
Helping in the school garden has it's rewards...besides getting our hands dirty & holding fresh eggs!!! Whoop whoop!
My first rose of the season! No filter on that beauty!
Then it hailed on her later that afternoon. Stupid Colorado. Sad news bears.
Summer means telling the kids to load up in the van for surprise trips to the movies!!! Super cute movie! I just love happy endings. They make my heart so happy and free.
We've been reading a lot this summer. That Summer Days book was mine as a kid. I love that I wrote my name in the front with a different color crayon for every letter. Ha! Sounds like something Ab would do.
Oh Melty beads. Hours and hours of quiet entertainment and rainbow creations. A staple for every childhood. Good times.
That strawberry blonde hair & those freckles.
And the biggest dandelion blowing thing ever.
Making wishes. So magical.
Fresh cucumber salsa. AMAZING!
Here's the recipe in my super fancy screen shot manner...
Screen shots are how I roll.
I made pineapple upside down cake for Andy's bday!
Yummo! I grew up making these cakes.
Not gonna lie...We killed that cake in one evening. Not even crumbs left over.
I believe summer evenings should be spent with good friends over yummy food & fruity drinks like a white sangria...
If you know me, you know the 4th of July is one of my fave holidays!!! Preparations have begun! Parade float plans are in the making (yup Andy has finally figured out a way to be IN the parade), the massive water slide has been reserved & the red, white & blue party supplies have started appearing!!!
It's going to be a great summer!
A summer of road trips, camping, days at the pool, reading outside, and so much more!

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