Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Catching Up Summer Edition

I have been a blog bum. I know. It happens.

Just been taking in the lazy days of summer...

And it's been wonderful. Summer is my favorite. It's the time of year I just get to be with my kids. No rushed schedules or homework. Just us...chilling...enjoying being together. It's magical.

Girlfriend learned how to ride her bike without training wheels a while ago...it was the starting on her own & braking that gave her trouble. But like her mama, she is one determined little girl. 20 minutes of focused concentration, and she had it.

Nothing can stop her now. I love watching her pedal so hard...the wind in her hair & her handlebar tassels blowing as she zooms past. She's a little speed racer, and the world is her oyster.

I remember that feeling as a kid. When you could outrace anyone and save the world in your mind. It was awesome. I love seeing my kids get to experience that independence and thrill.

It's what summer is about...

And sharing our joys with good friends...like enjoying some lemonade and popsicles on the patio...it's just better with a good buddy...

Building forts outside in the summer is pretty cool too...Hanging out with little brothers in forts you built outside is even better! These two are thick as thieves. Best friends. Partners in crime. It's a bond like no other. They will not leave each other behind. It makes my heart happy.

Reading together in the play structure, out in the fresh air, with birds chirping and the sun shining is pretty awesome too. Life is just better outside.
Making homemade popsicles was a big event!
Who knew that puréed strawberries could be so exciting?! But I guess when you make it yourself, it becomes magical. No sugar. Just strawberries. Although I thought we were going to have a revolt when they heard they had to wait till the next day to eat them...

But riding our bikes calmed down the natives. Whew. Thank goodness.

I love this boy in that shirt. And that helmet. And those little flip flops. So tough for such a sweet, sensitive little guy.

Ahhhhh...the happiness of eating a popsicle you made yourself! They scarfed those babies down! I really gotta freeze puréed fruit on a stick more often.

What do you do when it rains all afternoon...? You put together ten thousand puzzles with kids till you want to poke your eyes out. Then you side step in your kitchen all afternoon...

Checking out the pumpkin patch and digging for worms and rolly pollies are daily occurances around these parts.

Brody picked out some new jams for me the other week. It was a fun combo.

My roses bring me so much joy. They are just so bright and happy. I could have like 50 rose bushes!

I mean look at this gorgeous thing! Seriously plant rose bushes in your yard for instant happiness. They won't disappoint.

Peace out. Till next time...when I tell you about the time I drove across four states with Ab for a girls weekend to hang out with my sorellas! Holla!


  1. Ohhh....Chance! So much fun in every shot!! You're inspiring me to get my camera out more! I'd tell you to enjoy your summer - but I can tell you already are!!

  2. Dude my whole garden was wiped out by all the hail storms! Glad yours survived!!!
