Friday, September 20, 2013


Hello Friday!!!

Sometimes I think I should change this blog to Insta-Perspective...

since these posts seem to be what happen the most around here.


It was a full week.

Full of drop-off's & pick-up's, play dates & snacks, volunteering & errands.

Full of happiness and full of crazy.

This was my view last Friday. My happy place.

Much love went into this project.

I used a fabulous tutorial by The Seasoned Homemaker for the pillowcases.

It was an awesome tutorial and one I'll use again & again!

Love how everything came together and turned out.

I want to make the kids fun Christmas pillowcases now!
Well...after a few other projects.

When each kiddo turns two we take them to Build-A-Bear and let them pick out a bear. It's always fun to see what they pick out. Each one's bear totally reflects their personality. AJ's is light tan, soft, and cuddly with a fire fighter outfit. Girlfriend's is electric blue with multi-colored peace signs all over it & has sequin shoes...yup...that's totally Ab.

And Brody picked out a super soft cuddly black bear, no clothes or accessories. Just a lovable bear.

He has snuggled & loved this bear every since he picked it.

He drags it along and hugs it tight everywhere we go.

So stinkin' sweet.

The other morning Abby jumped in my bed, gave me a big 'ol hug and said, "Good morning dar-ling!"

Oh Abby. You make my heart smile.

I went on another bike ride with my neighbor.

We took a few nearby trails and rode up by the mansion.


Up hill makes me think I'm dying. From lack of oxygen. It's not a pretty thing.

It's a horrible, dreadful & embarrassing biking (walking half way) up hill...gasping for breath...trying not to pass out.

And I really need to get a pair of padded biking shorts if I'm going to keep doing this biking thing.

I think maybe hiking is more my style. Or biking...across the plains of Kansas.

3 kids + 2 adults = 500 bikes laying all over the garage.

500 might be a slight exaggeration.

But there are enough bikes to push this mom over the edge dealing with tripping over them or untangling them

So I told Andy we needed a bike rack/stand/thing to control the bike situation that was taking over the garage.

After researching I learned that enough rack/stands to reign in our situation would have cost over $100. Right. That wasn't going to happen.

But a free pallet & an afternoon of Andy's labor...totally going to happen.

And now I'm not homicidal every time I walk through the garage or the kids want to ride bikes.

It's a fabulous thing. It really is.

We celebrated Brody's 2nd birthday with Nana & Papa and great-grandparents. He was one happy boy. Cake. Ice cream. Balloons. Dinosaurs. Air planes. Books. Police cars. Bubble machines. A new roller back pack.

It was a good birthday.

I love doing my bible study homework each week. So refreshing and invigorating.

We treated AJ's teacher to a mini burnt cake for her birthday.

$6 for the happiest gift ever.

Chocolate chocolate chip.


She is lucky she got that thing. I almost ate it three times.

If you are ever near a Nothing Budnt Cakes indulge yourself.

So worth it.

We made treats for the kids' school fall festival cake walk.

Every kid loves a cake walk.

Shoot. I love a cake walk.

Such an old-school, traditional festival game.

The calk walk treats were not safe around Brody...the kid we had to put a lock on the pantry door because of. I had to watch him like a hawk. Because he, like his mother, has no self-control.

Love when they all swing together.

That play structure was the best investment ever.

So many good times and happy memories.

I have been wanting...craving...yearning for a delicious greasy cheese burger and fries so bad.
It was everything I was hoping for and more.
I am in love. Soul mates.
It was that good.
Love when he plays with his new air plane.
It's bigger than him.
It's the plane his daddy makes parts for.
Makes my heart happy.
We got school pictures back.
Seriously AJ?!
What the heck kind of smile is that?!
That's what the grandparents, great grandparents, and relatives are getting in their Christmas cards.

Peace out! Have a great weekend! I'll try to blog again before next Friday. Maybe.

Don't hold your breath.

1 comment:

  1. Great post, Chance! The girls adore their new pillowcases and banners! I have to rethink hanging them right on their beds....they're just too tempting for little fingers that are supposed to be sleeping!! I am so so thankful for all your hardwork. You have such a gift!
    Have a wonderful weekend!
