Friday, September 13, 2013

Insta-Friday Ready For Fall Edition

This was a fast week.

A fast, busy, great week.

Last weekend Nana and Papa watched the kiddos so we could have a date night. I was so excited I couldn't decide what we should do. I was like let's do let's do let's stay let's do this...then we drove by The Melting Pot, and I was like that sounds fun and delicious. It was 5:00 on Friday, but we called and they had one open reservation on the patio.


Then we walked around a vintage store looking at every little thing in there.

It was delightful.

I found this board book for a friend's daughter's first birthday.

Pride and Prejudice is one of her all-time fave books. So totally perfect.

AJ had his first soccer game.
We brought the canopy for shade and chatted with parents from the other team. I love that this league isn't crazy competitive. Just good people all cheering for kids.
We lost 3 to 1, but all left with smiles.
I had my hair cut and colored for fall!
Such a treat.

I decorated for fall a bit around the house.

So cozy.

We ate Halloween Oreos.

We burned a pumpkin candle all week.


We put the mums and pumpkins from Grandma Joyce's garden out on the porch.

I ventured to three fabric stores gathering supplies for a fun custom order for a friend. I am so head over heels in love with her style!

It's fun, whimsical, feminine, funky, and classy all at once.

I made a roast in the crack pot.
Love the smell of a roast cooking all day.
Love fall food.

Each kiddo got a pumpkin from their school's farmers' market.

I tried to get a pic with our pumpkins...

Girlfriend is a spaz...

Brody wasn't sure what he was suppose to do with his pumpkin...

Then Ab dropped her pumpkin...

So Brody threw his pumpkin...

They all thought it was hilarious.

We had dinner and made Nutella s'mores with Grandma Joyce.
So sticky and messy.
And sooo much yummy fun!
I was blessed with getting to watch a friend's kiddos this morning...already a treat...
And then they surprised me with a pumpkin spice chai!!
Made this girl's day!

Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. You're one busy woman. I can't believe how big your kids are getting.
