Sunday, October 21, 2012


I've got some catching up to do. 
 I'll start with my Insta-Friday post.

We went swimming with some buds since my last insta post.
The kids love swimming.  
And I love that it wears them out.
Brody loved the snack break.
AJ went to a super cool rock wall climbing birthday party.
My BFF and I caught up over hot chocolate.
What would I do without that girl?!
I would go crazy.
Truly crazy.
I mailed a happy order off to a lovely customer.
Brody grew a beard...kinda.
Andy surprised me with my all-time favorite creamer.
We indulged in some caramel apples.
We finally painted the quilt rack my sistah gave me.
It makes my heart happy.
Food for the soul.
Last week was so full of so much more.
Stuff that deserves its own post.
Some stuff even warranted getting out the big camera again.


  1. Great week, can't wait for the next post

  2. I want to make/get my son a beard hat. He would love it! // Have a great week!

  3. I want to make/get my son a beard hat. He would love it! // Have a great week!
