Friday, October 12, 2012

Insta Friday! Holla!

Howdy friends! 

What a week.

Glad Friday is here.
But aren't I always?
life rearranged

 Here are some highlights from our last 7 days.

The days all blur together, but this post always puts things back into perspective for me.
It pulls the little blessings back out of the blur.

AJ and I completed his Leaf Book for school together this week.
I love fall colors.
This project made us slow down enough to go on a nature hike 
and take in all the beauty of fall.
It was a gift.  Thank you Mrs. M.
Inspired by Joy's Hope I added some festive stitching to my fave kind of tea towels.
Flour sack towels just make my heart happy.
Seriously, they just make me want to be a plump old granny in a kitchen baking pies all day.
AJ kept telling me he wanted to be a mommy for Halloween.

 Finally in complete exasperation I was like, "Really?!!"

Andy just looked at me and said, "He wants to be a mUmmy.  A mummy."

 I knew that.

So I made him a mUmmy costume.
Love me some chili on a cool fall night...
with lots of sour cream and cheese and chips...
and some pumpkin pie and some whipped cream from a spray can.
Brody's favorite place to play is the kitchen.
It's fabulous.
It really makes putting away the dishes so much easier.
Thanks Brody.
I curled my hair for church this week.

I have to be honest.
We haven't consistently gone to church in years. 
(Don't judge. Everyone is at a different place for different reasons.)

But as the kids were getting older, 
we decided it needed to be a consistent part of their upbringing.

So when school started we recommitted ourselves.
It needed to happen.

And it has been a good thing on so many levels.
My heart is in it now.
AJ and I made his special helper poster for his religious ed class.
I love his picture of Noah and that he was adamant that he use Christmas colors.
I agree Christmas colors were quiet fitting for such a poster.
Fun hats make me happy.
Adorable children in fun hats are even better.
I love fixing Abby's hair.
Well, I wouldn't say the actual act of fixing it is always enjoyable.  Let's be real here.
But I love when it is all done, and she runs off all happy and feeling good about herself.
Yay for wearing her Halloween dress!
I can make you an apron dress too in any color combo.
Just email me.
Sorry for the plug.
Abby thought she saw unicorns as we pulled up to the rec center for her ballet class.
Turns out it was just a breast cancer awareness event and some horses with pink hair and hooves.

But can I say hello cowboy, who knew pink could be so sexy?!
(Sorry Andy...I'm gonna hear about this one.)

And hello Fall Break!
Let's get this party started! 

Blog at cha later.


  1. LOVE your pictures!! SO CUTE!

  2. so many things in this post... the unicorns, too funny! but really, it totally makes sense... the mommy/mummy costume: my wheels are turning on how you might've made him into a mommy. It makes me wonder, if people of the Brittish English persuasion call mommies mummy, then what do they call mummies?... love the flour sack towels too. // have a great week!

  3. You. Have. Got. tobekiddingme. Seriously with the great week. Pink horses?? I would stop and say hello to them, too. And secretly pretend they were unicorns. Your little girls hair is too cute and he is an adorable mummy! (Between you and me because he was probably not going for adorable). My family and I have just committed to being consistant with church going, too. Whew, it is definetly a commitment. But looking forward to sticking with it this time.

