Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Random, Random Happy Things

So not going to happen before Halloween...
Maybe Girlfriend will find a princess dress under the Christmas tree...maybe.
Thank you storage bins for decreasing the
lego embedded in the bottom of my foot hazard.
the power of a good swaddle...
I went in for a new shirt to wear for family pictures...
and this hat came home with me.
Lace, beads, sequins, rhinestones...
l.o.v.e. it!
Happy kids happily playing together...
outside so the baby can sleep...
makes happy mama.
We had Hillshire Farms Cheddarwurst for dinner last night...
and you can't have Hillshire Farms Cheddarwurst without chanting the Go Meat Commercial...
at least not at my house you can't.


  1. Go meat! Love that new hat and that little glow worm. So cute!

  2. Sounds like your family is doing well! Im so glad Chase didnt come Sat he spent all Sunday puking!

  3. haha...i got the same pattern for my daughter...and its sitting here collecting dust. yep, not going to happen! lol

  4. What will you do for Halloween? I'm still trying to convince my girls to re-wear their ren fest costumes again, but they're not super excited about that idea. I'm not making them anything this year, cuz there's no sewing group (ie. no motivation) and I have a bazillion other projects to work on.
