Monday, October 3, 2011


Things going through my head lately...

15 pounds down...30 to go...
I want to run a 5K one day...
I want to own cute workout clothes to run a 5K in one day...
I love flats...why didn't I give up on heels long ago...
I want to buy every scarf I see's a problem...
Why the heck is it still so hot out...
I love singing Bob Marley's 3 Little Birds to Brody...
I want a new and exciting hair do...but where do you go after two colors...
I want to make this soon:
(pumpkin pie oatmeal!)
The Gracious Pantry

I want Andy to make these this weekend:
(pumpkin spice pancakes!)
Annie's Eats

I need to make these soon:
(cherry Dr. Pepper cupcakes)


  1. you are making me hungry!! lol stacey

  2. I am hungry too... and I am worried about cut lips on those cans....LOL....

  3. That pumpkin pie oatmeal looks scrumptious. I need the recipe...or a link to it. I love all things pumpkin.

    Ps... I love when you post your blog link on reminds me to check your blog that I love reading!

  4. Duh...just realized you already did put the link to the recipe! (me=blonde moment?)
