Saturday, August 6, 2011

Kitchen Love

I love our breakfasts together as a family.
I love that the kids love to cook with us.
I love that Girlfriend stands on her tippy toes when she is cooking.
I love her bedhead.
I love that a $10 clear shoe rack solved our spice rack problem
and cleared up room in the pantry.
We have been looking for the perfect spice rack for years.
They all took up too much space...
so our spices were hidden in a skinny side cabinet...
making it impossible to easily access them or know what spices we already had.


  1. My spices take up 3 shelves, cuz they have to be organized by type (then alphabetized) and I want to not knock over a whole shelf full to find one. It sucks. You're so smart. I wonder if they make something I can put on a cabinet door since my pantry has 2 sliding doors. Guess I'll have to hunt.

  2. Those shoe organizers work great for baby doll clothes too. I keep the outfit, shoes, & socks tucked in each little compartment! Love the spice idea too!
