Monday, August 8, 2011

Getting There

T-Minus 38 days till baby Brody arrives, and we are almost ready.

We attempted to merge AJ and Abby into one bedroom a while back to free up a bedroom
for baby Brody.

Sharing a room: FAIL

It was like a party all.night.long.
Not what this pregnant momma needed.

So the third child will start out with a nice little corner in his parents' room.
If he is anything like his siblings, he will be sleeping through the night by 8 weeks...and jump the crib by 9 months...
So he may be in a toddler bed...
or sharing a bunk bed with his brother before we know it.
After already giving away most of our baby paraphernalia,
we survived this little surprising bundle of joy by the generosity of our friends.
Everyone has been so gracious in helping us build back up our baby supplies.
We are truly blessed.

This will work out...

1 comment:

  1. wow i cant believe he will be here so fast. i hope everything is going great and you are feeling good. we love and miss you guys stacey
