Sunday, February 15, 2009

Sprinkles & Floats

Our Valentine festivities began by AJ and I making homemade sugar cookies on Friday as Abby Cat slept all snuggled up in her swing.  

Following the great sugar cookie adventure we decorated cookies as a family Saturday evening.  AJ was in Heaven as we set several bottles of sprinkles out in front of him...being two and a half, he believes sprinkles are a universal condiment that should be used at EVERY meal.  He was not content until every last tiny sprinkle was used.  And although mommy proceeded to eat many cookies, AJ just licked sprinkles off his cookie then added more sprinkles and licked them off...repeating this pattern until his cookies was a soggy mess.  At least he only used one cookie for his sprinkle addiction.  

Saturday night after the kiddos were tucked into bed, Andy and I enjoyed Dr. Pepper floats, Godiva chocolate covered strawberries, and a movie.   

1 comment:

  1. All I can say is: Yummy! We went to Target and bought the following: root beer in glass bottles, popcorn, caramel dove chocolates, and M&Ms. We followed that trip to Best Buy where we bought three movies with gift cards Jonathan had: The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford, Tropic Thunder, and Become Jane (that one was for me). Then we went to Five Guys and ordered giant cheeseburgers to go. Once home, we put on Tropic Thunder, scarfed down our hamburgers, threw back our root beers and laughed our asses off. Then we switched to popcorn and candy. It was great. Wish I could eat like that every day.
