Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Growing Dinosaurs & A Hooter Hider

In between playing with his trains, growing dinosaurs, and practicing his shapes( right now a circle is "round and round" or "wheel" and a triangle is "house"  as in the roof of a house...we will keep practicing our shapes) AJ has become a great little helper with his little sister.  He makes sure she always has her shoes, binky, boppy, honey bear, and hat.  He also been great about sharing with Abby...we just have to keep a close eye on what he is his chicken nuggets and cheese...yikes! 

With the ease of breastfeeding this time around I have found the need for a nursing cover, but I wasn't about to pay between $25 to $50 for one.  With a receiving blanket, a piece of ribbon, and about five minutes behind a sewing machine, I had my own Hooter Hider!  

1 comment:

  1. I love it when you can make things that cost so much less...or free! That makes that Hooter Hider even more awesome!
