Tuesday, January 6, 2015

My Word for 2015

I finally figured out my word for 2015.


I want to get out in nature with my family.

To hike, to camp, to explore.

I want less structure and more being present in the moment.

I'm always so focused on a mission to accomplish that I miss taking in the here and now. Or I'm too tired to fully take it all in.

So this year I want to give myself the grace to not do it all. To do less instead of more. To be more present. Less distracted. Less spread out. Just be. And be outside.

To not yell and rush out the door every morning. But to really take in my kids as they head to school.

To commit to less so we can do more as a family. Take hikes because we have an open Saturday. To cultivate adventurous spirits. To breathe in fresh mountain air.

To escape falling into the exhaustion of the daily grind. And instead look forward to each new day. And what adventure lies ahead.

This is our year.

Our year to explore.


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