Friday, December 19, 2014


The holiday parties are in full swing, and

13 parties/events this week. Not kidding. I'm one tired mama bear.

The kids seem to have kicked it into overdrive and have excessive bounds of energy though. It's like they instantly convert all those cookies and candy canes they consume into fuel and good cheer...and I spike & crash. I'm like a walking mombie on auto-pilot to King Soopers for yet another platter of cookies every day.

This cutie is the local newspaper thief in the hood, always collecting papers from people's driveways. He refused to put this paper down for entire morning, showing it to everyone we saw & exclaiming, "THERE's SANTA IN HERE! LOOK SANTA!"

I did get to enjoy a morning with some wonderful mama friends crafting up some wine charms last Friday. That was good for the soul.

Frisbee, our elf, brought us tickets for the Polar Express again. We stuffed our faces with popcorn and hot cocoa as Andy drove the mini van around wearing a child size conductor's hat, so we could look at Christmas lights.

AJ did say this year, "Hey these tickets are just printed out from the computer!" But then he dropped it. I'm figuring our time of Christmas innoccence is only going to last through this year with that one. #sniffsniff

Seriously best friends bring over your favorite movies! I love the 80's. And best friends.

"Heyyyyy you guyyyyys!"

Our bible study collectively made 100 meals to donate to a local homeless shelter. The kiddos decorated the bags while the adults made sandwiches and assembled meals. It was awesome. As a family we plan on delivering meals and becoming more involved in this ministry.

"Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me." Matthew 25:40

Abby attended one of the most organized and well thought out cookie decorating and ornament exchange parties ever! Over 20 excited Kindergarteners, and it was a smooth, enjoyable experience. That my friends is truly impressive. Abby picked the ornament her BFF brought, and was spastically excited to hang it on her tree.

Love those tiny hands.

These two are buddies. Partners in crime really. This is right before we left for their religious ed. Christmas program.

Ab was Mary. And Brody was a choir boy. Ab hammed it up.
Brody both picked his nose & ate it
AND discovered the fly in his pants was kinda like a pocket.
Front row and center for everyone to see...

We LOVE finding Frisbee in the mornings. Seriously elf haters are missing out. This creepy little guy is magical.

This little boy loves floor puzzles. He says, "Do puzzle with me?"

How can I turn that down?!

Girlfriend had her winter recital this week. She dances with her whole heart and soul. We love our little dance studio.

Abby posed about ten different ways with that stick horse for pictures. She said, "And now this pose."

Girlfriend's fortune the other day.

Abby was so excited to bring home her gingerbread house she decorated with her buddy. What you can't see in this pic is the junk yard she made in the back yard.

You can take a girl out of Missouri...but you can't take Missouri out of a girl.

We left the gingerbread house in the middle of the table and went to AJ's school party. When we came home this is all that was left of Ab's gingerbread house and junk yard.

Latte is defininatly on the naughty list.

Ab picked out a party outfit and fixed her own hair for AJ's school party. She rocked those 40 hair bands.

Seriously this girl.

The Kindie holiday party was super cute and a blast. Kindergarten is pretty magical. We are so very blessed with a teacher we love. A teacher that has taught me to embrace Abby's artistic, creative free spirit. And that my friends is one of the greatest gifts a teacher can give a parent.

This little boy has inherited his big brother's love of Christmas. And it's pretty awesome to watch unfold.

And just like that winter break has started!

Hold onto your Santa hats kids, we are in for a one busy party weekend!

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