Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Insta Catch Up

Thanksgiving break.

So many relaxing days just hanging out as a family.

I loved having a few free days without a full calendar. Just cozying up as a fam. It was good for the soul.

Nana and papa took the kids over night a couple different times.

Andy and I got a bunch of holiday shopping done. We rarely get to do the Christmas shopping together. Usually we divide and conquer with one of us watching the kids and one of us shopping.

This year we leisurely strolled through stores together. It was fabulous.

Love theses advent wreaths Ab & Brody made in Sunday school.

Brody shows his to everyone that comes to our house.

Thomas every year.

I know one year they will be too big to have Thomas in their yard. Until then I'll savor their excitement over this silly train.

Ab made her family quilt block for Kindergarten. She wanted to make sure her favorite painting of Van Gogh's Starry Night was on there. That girl's passion cracks me up.

I love a mix of bright and funky with traditional Christmas decor!

Christmas decorations make me downright giddy!

This made me laugh. Naturally Brody would be thankful for food. He's a tank.

The Capernaum girls came over for a girls night of baking Thanksgiving cookies. It was a fun evening of baking, chatting, laughing, and making some interesting turkey cookies.

Brody was unimpressed with mom taking a Thanksgiving picture.

AJ is learning how to write friendly letters in second grade. Brody got this letter in the mail the other day. Hilarious.

I started Christmas cards the other night while watching You've Got Mail. Love that movie! And Christmas cards!!!

Those curls and that toothless smile. That girl has my number. Seriously if she asked me for a pony I'd figure out how to get her one.

New jams make me happy.

Pandora. 90's pop station. Best music ever.

Matching Christmas pj's for the whole family.

Oh but I did.

And it's awesome.

He's cute.

But potty training sucks.

Nough said.


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