Thursday, June 26, 2014

Insta-Friday Summer Is...


hot fudge, pineapple, and banana shakes...

Spending mornings splashing at the library water park...
Playing on the playground...
Going to the movies on a week night with mama friends...

Wearingsleeveless dresses to birthday parties...

(this is Abby's "going to a birthday party" pose)

Pink sparkly nail polish, Belle hair, and electric blue eye shadow...

Homemade blueberry lemonade...

Roses in full bloom...

In all sizes and colors...

Chalking your hair like a rainbow...

Walking your dog before the rain comes...

Going to VBS...

Teaching a group of 15 Kindergarteners...

With Abby being the wildest one in the group...
Reading Southern Living and exclaiming, "I've been RIGHT there!"

Learning to ride your bike without training wheels...

And doing tricks...

Sneaking soda and doughnuts on the old lady glider during nap time...

Checking out a vintage camper from a FB garage sale board post...


And naming her Mary Flair the Jellybean!

And staying up till 11pm every night looking up vintage camper remodels on Pinterest!

Summer is...
Playing hard.

And crashing hard.


1 comment:

  1. If you like period fiction and the south, check out Mary Alice Monroe or Dorothea Benton Frank. My favorite books ever....all set in South Carolina, most going back and forth from the early 1900's to modern times. Love them!!! On Dorothea Benton Frank....stick to her older ones, her books the last few years have taken a different turn and aren't great. Sullivan's Island is my favorite.
