Saturday, May 17, 2014


Whew. May is flying by at warp speed.

Latte got a much needed bath and hair cut.

AJ finished out the soccer season!

I got this awesome card for Mother's Day.

Abby was ticked.

She said, "!"

A family trip to Starbucks happened on Mother's Day.

Brody said, "StarBUUUCCKKS!"

It snowed 6 inches on Sunday and Monday...

While the van was on the drive way due to yard sale preparations.

Party foul Colorado.

We had a 2 day yard sale.

That was a lot of work.

Brody and I went shopping one afternoon.

I indulged in a chai and carried my new bag.

It was dreamy.

I made a headband with a friend one afternoon while the kiddos played in the back yard.

Love creating with fun people.

Andy went to Young Life paint wars with me Friday night.

We had a blast.

And now we go into the Crazytown of the last two weeks of school with a field day, road trip, graduation party, and end of the year events. I'm bracing for impact.

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