Thursday, April 10, 2014

Insta -Friday

Hello friends!

Another awesome week in these parts.

Abby and Brody had my phone the other day.

I found these pictures later...

It amazes me that my children are growing up taking pictures with iPhones.

I grew up with glow worms, Cabbage Patch kids, and Troll dolls.

I wonder what their kids will grow up with?

I had my trunk show last weekend! So fun! Mamas and daughters trying on adorable clothes... Drinking lemonade, eating fruit pizzas/ caprese apps/funfetti dip.

I love the smell of dirt. I love seeing my seedlings grow. I do not love not having counterspace because of trays of the said seedlings.

Can't it just be the end of May already?!

Got my first issue of Country Living!

Love a new magazine...especially one about comfort food and country cottages!

AJ had his first spring soccer game. He was on top of his game. I think it was because of the new cleats. He said they made him run faster.

This boy wakes up so happy every day. He wakes up bursting with a smile and his arms open ready for a snuggle hug! We fight over who gets to get him up in the morning. It's that good.

Can't get enough of him. His happiness is contagious.

Andy took the kiddos to Home Depot last weekend to make birdfeeders while I spent all our money at my trunk show.

They were so excited to hang them outside. And are so excited to watch the birds every morning.

Brody says, "Birds! Birds! Look guys, BIRDS!"

Who needs Disney World when your kids get this excited about birds?!

AJ got to ride his bike to school for the first time this spring. That boy loves to ride his bike to school. And we are blessed with a friend brave enough to let him do it. She's my shero.
I was gifted with a kid-free afternoon of shopping at a consignment sale this week with a good friend. I love a good bargain and every mom deserves a kid-free afternoon every once and awhile.
I treated these 2 to the Jamba Juice on Thursday.
Love me some Jamba Juice.
Love these kids. Even if that's the face she makes when I say smile.
Shameless plug: If you love Jamba Juice and are local... I can hook you up with a BOGO free punch card.
$10 for 8 BOGO free Jamba Juices.
The money goes to help awesome teenagers go to Young Life camp and learn about Jesus!
Brody thinks he's riding to school with the big his footie pj's....
Dream boy little boy. You'll grow into those dreams one day.

Have a fabulous weekend!


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