Friday, April 4, 2014


It's been a pretty low key week this week.

Last weekend we had gorgeous weather with temps in the 70's.

Lots of time playing in the back yard.

Love these kid of back yard days.

And this boy loves the sand box.

So I downloaded this app for Abby, and decided to try it first so I could teach her how to play it...

I'm on level 50 now and Abby hasn't been allowed to touch it.

Abby drew this family portrait this week.

Love it.

Cranky momma needed a Starbucks one day.

It was in everybody's best interest.

Those chocolate croissants are to die for!

The wind woke up Brody one night...

Who then woke up Abby...

Who then woke up mommy and daddy...

Finally about 2:30am everyone was back to sleep.

Then I found this little guy in the floor next to bed bed in the morning...

MJ released their newest spring line this week.

Can't wait till Saturday's trunk show!

It's starting to look like Easter around here...

Lots of bunnies...

I made some boy burp cloths for a friend this week...

This boy rocked his Thomas the train robe all day Wednesday.

Then we woke up to this Thursday morning...

Brody came downstairs and greeted us with his usual cheerful groggy good morning "HI!"...

Then he looked out the window and said, "What?!!! Snow?!!!"

My thoughts exactly Brody.

I was all bumming around the house in my spring snow funk when Andy surprised me with this awesome lunch...

and my day got so much brighter!n

I took Ab to pick out new shoes to wear with her Easter dress...
Leave it to Ab to pick out metallic light up sandals for Easter.
The neon socks are a nice touch too....

Have a great weekend!

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