Friday, November 18, 2011

Insta Insta Friday!

I can't believe it's Friday already.
Where did this week go?!

Get in on this Insta action by clicking this cute button below
and posting your own snap shots.

You know you want to...
everybody's doing it.
(I'm giving myself flashbacks to my D.A.R.E. handbook in fifth grade.)

life rearranged

I have been working feverishly on Girlfriend's princess dress this week.
And let me say...
She better love it...
wear it everyday...
pass it down to her children.
You get the idea.
$15 for a princess dress at Target is a good deal.
I finally sewed the patches on AJ's flight jacket this week.
Let's not talk about how I tried to iron the first one on and had to
sew the American flag on off centered to cover the hole.
You live and learn folks. You live and learn.
I went to a fall crafting party with fabulous, crafty people I adore.
I learned how to make the cutest felt flowers ever.
They are SO easy! I am so smitten.
I will post a tutorial soon. I promise because I love you.
Girlfriend decided to catch herself a sinus infection this week...
landing me in the pharmacy with three children for 35 long, painstaking minutes.
No toys, no books, no diaper bag.
Just me to entertain them and keep them quiet in a room full of sick people.
It was the longest 35 minutes of my life.
Abby is so good at sharing with her baby brother.
My niece is one of the kindest, most splendid, beautiful people I know.
And she had a 9 lb. 12 oz. baby girl yesterday.
9 lb 12 oz!
Wow! Just wow!
She deserves a medal or a trophy or a badge to sew on a sash
or a baby quilt made out of this lovely fabric!
French toast with caramelized bananas!
I love my husband!
I love that my husband understands the greatness of greeting me with
a delicious breakfast every weekend!
She was suppose to be taking a nap...
I caught her climbing up the shelves in her room to get her train conductor hat...
But she did go to sleep...
Adorable, screaming, colic stricken baby with acid reflux...
requires that I hold him and read my book
a lot...
oh darn.
These kids can bake a mean pumpkin snickerdoodle.
When he is not crying from his reflux,
he is truly my little Prince Charming.
Man, I love that boy!

And there you have it.
A glimpse into my crazy little world.
Always something exciting going on around here.


  1. Love, love, love those little beans of yours. It's so wonderful to see you so happy, Chance!
