Tuesday, November 1, 2011

HaLLoWeEn 2011

The kiddos were monkeys for Halloween this year.
I was the doctor yelling, "No more monkeys jumping on the bed!"

Pretty much sums up my life.

The festivities began at their school and continued afterward
at Krispy Kreme for free Halloween doughnuts.
We were not going to miss out on that!

We wrapped up the night with trick or treating.

And my cute little over tired, sugar overdosed monkeys
turned into cranky monsters by bedtime.

Hello November.
Hello 53 days till Christmas.
Bring it on.


  1. Lovely baby and beautiful smile. yummy food and awesome posting

  2. Oh, Chance I so miss your blog. I got a chance to catch up today. I really miss you guys. The kids sure are growing fast. And Brody, OMG, he is so cute. What a doll baby. Tell Andy and the kids we said "hi."
    Cathy Lee
    P.S. I have candy on my blog; celebrating my one year blog-iversary. Stop over and enter for a chance to win some crafting goodies. :)
