Tuesday, November 8, 2011

City 4: Lebanon

Saturday we headed south to Missouri for the big par-tay!

We ate, looked at pictures, took lots of pictures, played with cousins, and laughed a lot.

Here is my nephew, Kallin, looking quite dapper.

Lots of running around time with the cousins...
Aunt Recca getting in some snuggle lovin'.
My big sis Missy.
Here we are in birth order.
Naturally, Abby was the only child to sustain an injury the entire trip.
Jenna looking quite stunning in her sunglasses.
Missy and Jon
Abby climbing a tree post injury.
Not much slows Girlfriend down.
Jess and I
Very excited children ready for birthday cake...
moments before they smashed the lid down declaring which section of cake was theirs.
10 out of the 15 grandkids
JL trying to get some rest.
Me, my dad, and Jess
Me and Missy again
Me and Recca
Taylor and I

1,851 miles later we returned home with full hearts
and plans for a return trip already in the making.


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