As my spring break comes to an end,
we decided to have a family day...
at the zoo.
we decided to have a family day...
at the zoo.
Never mind that the sun was hiding, the temp. was only 58 degrees,
and the wind chill was much below that.
We already told the little ones we were going to the zoo...
We had lots of fun...
and froze our butts off.
and the wind chill was much below that.
We already told the little ones we were going to the zoo...
We had lots of fun...
and froze our butts off.
(I truly do not know where he gets his stubbornness from.)
is the poor little goose down below with a wounded wing
that has caught the attention of every tiger in the exhibit.
before there was blood shed...
didn't feel like explaining that one today.
I couldn't break the news to her that really it was an arctic fox...
just substitute in different animals for the warthog...
AJ, shouting with pure shock and awe in his voice: "Look mom, it's a dinosaur!!!"
Me in a calm teacher/mom tone: "No, AJ...that is a warthog...not a dinosaur."
AJ in a very pissed off 4 year old voice: "NO MOM! IT IS A DIN-O-SAUR!"
Me with a slight tone of irritation in my voice: "No AJ...actually it is a warthog."
AJ more pissed off than ever: "NO.MOM! IT.IS.A.DIN--O--SAUR!"
Me in a flat deflated tone: "Whatever. Go tell everyone you saw dinosaurs at the zoo."
Wow what cute baby boy. I love his smile and here style. I think he is enjoy that movements.
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