Monday, December 20, 2010

Snowmen Pretzels

Last night was the annual Hay Ride at Nana and Papa's!
AJ and I had fun making snowmen for the big event.
Click HERE if you want all the details on how to make these cute little guys.
Fruit roll-up scarves...gum drop & gummy life saver stinkin' fun!
Girlfriend had fun eating lots of yummies!
Lack of hair = justification for exponentially larger my book
Whoop! Whoop!


  1. those snowmen pretzels are adorable! and so is that dress. I, on the other hand, totally opposite from you and your working, crafting, baking, etc, am a stay-home mom, all kids in school, only working 4 hours a week, and I am still working on some scrappy skirts for the girls' Christmas presents, have only made 2 cookie things for Christmas. You're amazing.
