Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Gone Fishin'

Today we ventured to the family pond to partake in AJ & Abby's first fishing experience.  It was fun to see the kids run around the same pond I did as a kiddo!
Abby chillin' by the pond.
Thanks Grandpa Jim for teaching AJ how to fish!  
We look forward to many more memories at the pond!
AJ was serious about landing his first catch.
But he was a bit confused about exactly how to react to fish at the end of his line...
Good news is, I think we can safely say fish do not make the "scare the crap out of & send AJ running" list.  Yay!
I think AJ's first fishing trip was a memorable one...
On the way back to Grandpa Jim's tonight AJ exclaimed, "Fishing fun!  I tired, take bath, close eyes."  By the time he Skyped with his fave Aunt Jess and daddy, the size of his catch had inflated to as wide as his arms could reach...exaggerating fish stories must be an innate talent amongst the male species...


  1. Glad to see you all have a great time, catch a fish for me


  2. Awww. What a cute memory. I think I'm probably the one who made him exaggerate the size of his catch. :)

  3. I love fishing! We will have to take the kiddos this summer!
