Wednesday, September 10, 2008

To The Moon!

Last night on our nightly trip to the park AJ quickly forwent the slides, tunnels, wood chips, and rope ladder that usually entertain him for a much more appealing adventure in a 2 year old's mind...the kid sprinted past the park leaving his parents in his dust.  He spotted the moon and was going for it!  The crazy kid went sprinting down the sidewalk, up a grassy hill well beyond the park and nearly scaled someone's fence trying to get to the moon!  "MOON, MOON, GO TO THE MOON," he gasped as he pointed into the sky and headed toward...well...someone's backyard that happened to appear to be in the direction of the moon.  I love that kid's sense of adventure and passion to go after what he wants with such fearless enthusiasm.  So, today when I was at Target...I just couldn't resist making sure my little astronaut had this t-shirt.... 


  1. Ahhhh...the innocence of youth! Having kids really makes you a kid again and makes you appreciate those little things that we forget about or take for granted as we get older. Great song...loving the Jason Mraz!

  2. Hmmm, who does he remind me of? Oh yeah, you! Haha. I hope he keeps his sense of adventure and curiousity. He's so fun!

  3. I Love A.J's comments! He is too adorable and makes me SO excited for when Ashley can finally talk! Please keep sharing all of his cute stories!

  4. Love the's amazing what kids teach us.

    Your package is almost ready...I'm waiting for something my sister-in-law is sending to me to add to the goodies!
