Saturday, September 20, 2008

Fave Box and Getting Out The Crib

Today I completed my final touches for my favorites swap box (just under the postmark deadline), started shopping for baby girl stuff, and supervised the beginning stages of putting together Abby Cat's (Abigail Catherine) shabby chic nursery.  I'm exhausted and can't wait to get started again tomorrow!  


  1. So the verdict's in? Abigail Catherine? Very cool! I love how AJ loves to help! He's such a good helper.

  2. I already decided what kind of quilt I'm going to make for baby Abby - very exciting - I think you'll love it! (PS. You may want to skip calling her Abby Cat and stick with Abby because I'm afraid Abby Cat may lead to some horrible teasing by other kids such as Shabby Cat or Abby Brat - you know, kids are mean)

  3. PSS - I didn't mean to be a negative Nancy about the name! Sorry =) It is very cute - that was just what Boris and I did when picking kiddo names - tried to think of what other kids would do to our poor kid and tried to pick a name that would avoid most of the teasing...granted there is no perfect name but you know... I wasn't trying to rain on your name parade.
