Sunday, September 7, 2008

8.5 Acres of 12 Foot Tall Corn and A Funnel Cake

Over the meadow and through the woods...or through the corn.  We truly got into the fall spirit this weekend as we braved the 8.5 acres of challenging twists and turns of the Denver Botanic Gardens at Chatfield Annual Corn Maze!  We put on our sweaters and loaded up the car with the BOB sport utility stroller, ready for an authentic autumn toddler off-roading experience.  Thank goodness Aunt Jess has a sense of direction that I lack because she guided us through the maze like a pro...we were in and out in 40 minutes.  I was still wandering aimlessly thinking...where is the compass rose on this so-called "map" when walked out of the exit (and not the emergency exit).  Highlight of the day for AJ and momma:  We celebrated our navigation success with two huge funnel cakes!  Nothing brings back memories of the county fair as a child like the familiar smell and taste of a funnel cake!    

1 comment:

  1. I am SO jealous that you are already wearing sweaters,going thru corn mazes, & eating funnel cakes!! The humidity here the last couple of days will take your breath away.
