Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Suddenly Susceptible to Suggestions

Although I am still blind-sided by narcoleptic episodes where I want to just fall asleep mid sentence or mid sporadic pockets of energy are becoming more frequent as week 14 goes on.  Praise the Lord!  Glory, Hallelujah!!!  Maybe one day I will even do laundry again...

AND...the best part:

I no longer feel like I am going to puke every second of the day!  I have slowly been able to wean myself from my daily B6 and flat coke...and I have gained back my initial 9 and a half pounds!...I have mixed feelings on the 9.5 pounds...necessary evil I guess, but I am determined not to reach 60 pounds this time around.  This may be hard for me...really I guess if I am ever going to be fat in my least now I have an excuse. 

With this new found ability to eat comes yet more suffering for poor Andy though.  Because although I would not call them cravings, I have become extremely susceptible to suggestions...thus resulting in being banned from watching the Food Network...and the Taco Bell/Long John Silvers drive thru by our house. (Who says you can't order a meal from both menus at once just for your dinner...I am eating for 2.)

Everything just looks so good!  The other night we watched Unwrapped where they reveal all of the factory secrets behind our favorite foods.  It was an episode on berries which landed Andy out on a quest to two grocery stores and two gas stations at 8:40p.m. for some baby momma snacks.  Needless to say I fell asleep waiting, but quickly woke up at 9:30 to enjoy my cranberry juice, Captain Crunch Crunch Berry cereal, and my amazing Cherry Mash.

It's a good thing I kept those big brown pants from round one...     


  1. Lovin' the cherry mash! I was watching that, too. I don't think my pregnancy cravings ever stopped. Husbands of non-pregnant ladies do not make midnight food runs--darn it, I tried! Food Network is the best channel ever, but slightly dangerous as well. Indulge--you are right this is the only time you have a real reason to be fat--eat up! Hope you feeling better phase continues!

  2. Yay! I'm so glad you're starting to feel better! That means more calls for me! I'm selfish like that.
