Thursday, October 1, 2015

Brody Turned 4

Brody Bear is my boy that loves all things rough and tumble.

My kiddo that gravitates toward dirt and cannot pass up a sandbox.

My only kiddo to ever get stitches...3 times.

He loves food, snuggling, minions, tools, and has an avid love for tractors.

He wants to be a daddy when he grows up. He is best friends with his big sister. He wakes up slow like his mama, but always flashes a smile and greets me with a, "Good morning Sunshine" and big 'ol squeeze around the neck good morning hug!

He asked for a rug for his room for his birthday and picked out underwear at Target when he got to choose his own gift.

He asked to make a tractor cake with Oreos as dirt and sprinkles for his cake.

He is all boy with a big heart.

He recently declared that he needed a green room like a tractor...

Which I'm not gonna lie terrified this mama.

Imagine John Deere green walls. Oh Brody.

We went with Zircon grey on top to balance out the tractor colors on bottom.

And added a little map project to his shelves to balance the room out a bit.

In the end I was pretty much in love with how this totally Brody room turned out...John Deere green and all.

Happy Birthday Brody Bear!

1 comment:

  1. Love his room! That boy never ceases to amaze me! So many sides to him!
