Sunday, September 6, 2015

Insta-Catch Up

I'm super behind in blog land. Life has been busy yo.

Andy has been going to the gym in the evenings. So I watch romance movies and eat junk food and paint in peace...kinda the opposite of going to the gym but super awesome.

I was super excited to start Ab's Halloween costume since school started. School starting means fall to me. And fall means Halloween is coming!

This is how far I got. Hence why I start thinking about costumes in August. Always interrupted or distracted by more immediate tasks or needs. Hoping to get back to it next week.

Andy and I were gifted with a magical kidfree evening out at a jazz concert at Red Rocks with college buddies!! It was soooo good to see them! Like the good for the soul kind of good! Some people are just super awesome and only get more awesome with time. They are those kind of people.

Abby has been riding her bike to school with neighbors this year! She LOVES it! I love it! My neighbor is amazing. She rides with the kiddos so they get this experience. Strong and sweet and so loving and kind and giving. A gift and an inspiration that one. So blessed to have her in our lives!

Mums mean FALL IS COMING!!!
Nuff said.


Bed time stories are the best. For the kids and for me. Love getting lost in a book with them!

This girl. 8 days. She made it 8 days into the school year before I got my first crazy Abby email. I had been checking my email every day holding my breath, waiting for it to come, bracing myself. When 7 school days passed I thought I was in the clear. Nope. It came on day 8 and the subject was: Scissors.

And I'm not gonna first thought was "oh shit".

I was pretty sure someone else's child had sustained bodily harm as a result of my child. Thank you sweet baby Jesus she only cut her own hair. Now it was a good 6 inches off the front...2 days before school pictures. But the relief that rushed over me when it wasn't someone else's hair...that was a glorious feeling.

Due to the impending school pictures we had to deal with missing chunk of hair right up front by her face.

It was either cut it into a bob just below her ears...or taper it A LOT around her here she is with her new country western 1990's LeAnn Rimes hair style.

That child.

I went with a Minecraft theme for my cake walk donations for the Back To School bash. AJ approved. Abby not so much.

We caught a frog in our front yard! Which may not seem like much. But we live in suburbia. I didn't see squirrels for the first three years I lived here. A frog! In our yard! It felt like the country folks! I was ready to don some overalls and let Andy buy a tractor!

Love my roses. I'm not an amazing gardener. I'm a ok-ish, ADD gardener. But my roses never disappoint.

I couldn't 't resist. This vanilla pumpkin marshmallow baby made an appearance on my mantle in August. When it was still 90 degrees outside, but I could turn the A/C on full blast inside and pretend it was fall outside.

The epic DIY project of my lifetime is coming soon...stay tuned. But don't hold your breath. Who knows when I'll get back to this dusty 'ol blog. But it's coming. And by epic I mean my princess hands just now recovered weeks later from my 8 blisters. But it was so worth it.

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