Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Insta-Catch Up

Wow. How did 2.5 weeks go by?!

So many happy things in those 2.5 weeks!

Andy and I went to our kiddos' school nautical themed silent auction.

It was a total blast. I gambled with buying an anchor for surprise gift. I got a car wash. Blah. But it was fun, so we gambled with a mystery bottle of wine!
The baskets were a little cut throat, but I'm competitive and took home the "fixer upper" basket!
Whoop! Whoop!

Literacy Week happened.

AJ was Wiglaf from Dragon Slayers' Academy.

I had to look that one up...

Abby was Fancy Nancy and her BFF was Bree!
Soooo stinkin' fun!
Ab, our self-proclaimed cat lady, had just the pair of socks for crazy sock day...

There were lots of crazy moments with this little one...

Ab was over the moon to bring Cubby Bear home from Kindergarten...
And make her all about me poster...

An amazing person gifted me with finishing this blanket my mom started for me as a kid. She would not let me pay her for her time and talent. It just appeared finished on my porch one day. There are good people in this world. This act of kindness really impacted me.

AJ had his First Eucharist!

When did he grow up?!

It was a full day with full hearts.

My sorella, Jess, came out to celebrate with us!

It was awesome having AJ's a God Parents here for such a special occassion! We snuggle loved that baby Isla Rai up! She stole my heart that one.

Love our adorable new chalk menu board! We used it two weeks...missed this week, but one day I'll use it again. Ha!

This little guy keeps me smiling and melts my heart on a daily basis.

The kiddos finished religious ed for the school year, and Ab sent her prayers up to Heaven with a balloon.

Tis' the season for shakes! Holla!

And the construction is already pushing me over the edge.

And that my friends was only a tiny glimpse into our craziness!

Blog at ya again soon!

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